2020-01-24 10:48:40 | Posted by MRA Super Admin
Sanglah Hospital was built in 1956 and inaugurated on December 30, 1959 with a capacity of 150 beds. In 1962 in cooperation with the Medical Faculty Udayana University as a teaching hospital. In 1978 became a teaching hospital and a type B Referral Hospital for Bali, NTB, NTT, East Timor (SK Menkes RI 134/1978).
In the development of Sanglah Hospital experienced several changes in status, in 1993 the hospital became self-financing (Minister of Health Decree No. 1133 / Menkes / SK / VI / 1994). Then in 1997 became the Hospital non-tax revenues (non-tax state revenue). In 2000 changed its status to Perjan (Company Bureau) in accordance with government regulations in 2000. Recently in 2005 turned into a PPK BLU (RI Kepmenkes NO.1243 2005 date August 11, 2005) and designated as Type A teaching hospital in accordance Permenkes 1636 2005 dated December 12, 2005.
As with any other organization, Sanglah Hospital also has a vision as a direction that will be addressed, become eminent in the field of Hospital Services, Education and Research National and International level. In realizing this vision Sanglah Hospital in providing services always strive with every effort so that the prime ministry so as to satisfy the people who need the service. Moreover Sanglah Hospital is the main referral hospital for Bali, NTB and NTT.
Besides, Sanglah Hospital also always focuses on the empowerment of its resources in order to produce seed in education and medical research, health and nursing.
Link : Sanglah Hospital Bali