Judul Artikel

2020-01-24 10:54:34 | Posted by MRA Super Admin

Opening statement Director of Mataram City Hospital

dr. H.L. Herman Mahaputra, M.Kes.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

In the current era of openness, the challenges facing hospitals are increasingly complex. quality improvement in hospitals should continue to be done in accordance with the development needs and public guidance. Public awareness and the importance of high-quality health continue to increase along with the development and advancement of health technology.

Hospital services are carried out in accordance with hospital minimum service standards. professional standards and operational standards of procedures. every time The hospital continues to conduct self assessment and improve work ethic and always pay attention to patient safety. General hospital of mataram city is one of the mataram city government hospitals that was officially established on August 31, 2009 and began operating March 3, 2010 as one of the health service units located in the city of mataram. General hospital of Mataram city has the duty to serve the public’s need for health. thanks to all the people who have entrusted their health care so the general hospital of mataram city will keep trying to do development in various service. criticism and suggestions are always expected for improving our services. we hope that the general hospital of mataram city has website can provide useful information for public. Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

link: Medical Tourism Lombok