ASEAN MRA on Dental Practitioners


Name OF PDRA: Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia dan Kementerian Kesehatan
Address: Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 6, Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Phone Number: +6221-31923199
Facsimile: +6221-31923186
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Paramitha Purbosari


this is contents for Dental Qualification Requirements Indonesia

this is contents for Dental Requirements Document Indonesia

this is contents for Dental Procedure Indonesia

General Information

1. Applicant must have specialist degree with additional qualification (approved by related collegiums in Indonesia)

2. Applicant's competency hasn't been owned by Indonesia doctors/dentist or very rare in Indonesia

3. Held in hospital which has A or B accreditation

4. Applicant must been accompanied by Indonesia doctors/dentist who has minimum  equal competency with foreign doctors

5. Only valid in 1 year and can be extended in the next 1 year (based on evaluation)


Document Required

1.    Letter of work experiences at least for 5 years in accordance with the competency

2.    Legalized copy of diploma and academic transcript from the institution and verified by Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia

3.    Legalized copy of Registration Letter from the origin country

4.    Legalized copy of Certificate of Competency from professional organization and verified by government at origin country

5.    Letter of good standing from professional organization

6.    Required documents which must be completed by organizer health services (in proposal such as profile, time period the participation of applicant)

7.    Certificate of Indonesian language test

8.   Letter of completed adaptation


Processing Time

Max. 30 work days after receive the completed required documents

Application Fee

IDR 750,000


1.     Applicant submits required documents of administrative and competency evaluation to INAMC

2.     INAMC will verify all the documents

3.     If approved, INAMC will send letter of pre-adaptation to related collegium

4.     Collegium will issue the acceptance letter for adaptation to INAMC

5.     Collegium conducts the adaptation program (competency assessment) at education institution for applicant

6.     After finished the adaptation,  applicant do the competency test at related collegium

7.     Collegium will report the result of the competency test to INAMC

8.   INAMC will issue the temporary registration

General Information

Must have requirements such as :

  1. Knowledge has not been in Indonesia
  2. Knowledge has not owned by Indonesian doctor and dentist
  3. Knowledge is needed by Indonesian doctor and dentist in order to get higher knowledge

Document Required

  1.  Application letter
  2.  Proposal/Term of Reference of the activity includes:
    1.  Background
    2.  Objectives
    3.   Place and time of the event
    4.   Participants
    5.   Financing
    6.   Organization
  3. Copy of Certificate of Competence of Doctors/Dentists from the origin country which is translated into English
  4. Copy of Registration Letter/Licensing of Doctors/Dentists from the origin country which is translated into English
  5. Letter/Certificate of Good Standing of Doctors/Dentists from the origin country which is translated into English
  6. Curriculum Vitae of Doctors/Dentists foreign citizens who will give education and training.
  7. Copy of Passport of Doctors/Dentists
  8. Letter of Recommendation from the professional organization from the origin country
  9. Letter of Recommendation from Collegiums which is related in Indonesia
  10. Curriculum Vitae of  Indonesian Doctor/Dentist who is the person in charge of the activities
  11.  The Statement Letter which is explain that transfer of knowledge is not for health services.

Processing Time

14 - 18 work days after receive the completed required documents

Application Fee



  1. Applicant of transfer of knowledge should send application documents no longer than 1 (one) month before the date of event.
  2.  Application documents will be validated by Indonesia Medical Council (InaMC) according to Regulation No. 22/2014
  3.  If the documents are incomplete, the application will be returned and InaMC will send a rejection letter.
  4.  If the documents are complete, InaMC will process the recommendation dan approval letter.
  5. The Recommendation Letter are signed by The Chairman of Medical Council/Dentist Council.
  6. The Approval Letter are signed by The President of InaMC
  7.  The Recommendation Letter and Approval Letter will be sent by post and email.
  8.  The applicant should send the report of activities no later than 2 (two) weeks after the event.

General Information

* Lecturer :

1. Applicant is professional lecturer who hands on to the patient at education institution in Indonesia

2.Temporary registration valid as long as the applicant gives the formal education with max. 6 months

* Fellowship

1. Fellowship (education and/training) is conducted for doctor and dentist, participation of education specialist and sub-specialist doctor/dentist

2.Temporary registration is valid for the research takes place with recommendation letter from organizer

3. Organizer can be :

    a. education institution with A accreditation

    b. education hospital with A / B accreditation

    c. organization profesional / collegium

    d. organization which has agreement cooperation with organizer

Document Required

* Lecturer

a.    Letter of work experiences at least for 5 years in accordance with the competency

b.    Legalized copy of diploma and academic transcript from the institution and verified by Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia

c.    Legalized copy of Registration Letter from the origin country

d.    Legalized copy of Certificate of Competency from professional organization and verified by government at origin country

e.    Letter of good standing from professional organization

f.     Required documents which must be completed by organizer health services (in proposal)

g.    Certificate of Indonesian language test

h.    Required documents which must be completed by organizer health services (in proposal such as profile, place where the education will be held, time period the participation of applicant)

i.      Certificate of Indonesian language test

j.    Letter of completed adaptation

* Fellowship

a.   Letter of work experiences at least for 3 years in accordance with the competency

b.    Legalized copy of diploma and academic transcript from the institution and verified by Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia

c.    Legalized copy of Registration Letter from the origin country

d.    Legalized copy of Certificate of Competency from professional organization and verified by government at origin country

e.    Letter of good standing from professional organization

f.     Required documents which must be completed by organizer health services (in proposal)

g.    Certificate of Indonesian language test

h.    Required documents which must be completed by organizer health services (in proposal such as profile, place where the education will be held, time period the participation of applicant)

i.      Certificate of Indonesian language test

j.    Letter of completed adaptation

Processing Time

Max. 30 work days after receive the completed required documents

Application Fee

IDR 750,000


* Lecturer

a.    Applicant submits required documents of administrative and competency evaluation to INAMC

b.    INAMC will verify all the documents

c.    If approved, INAMC will send letter of pre-adaptation to related collegiums

d.    Collegium will issue the acceptance letter for adaptation to INAMC

e.    Collegium conducts the adaptation program (ability assessment) for applicant

f.     After finished the assessment,  collegiums issue the recognition certificate of competency

g.    Collegium will report that certificate to INAMC

h.  INAMC will issue the temporary registration

* Fellowship

a.   Applicant submits required documents of administrative and competency evaluation to INAMC

b.    INAMC will verify all the documents

c.    If approved, INAMC will send letter of pre-adaptation to related collegiums

d.    Collegium will issue the acceptance letter for adaptation to INAMC

e.    Collegium conducts the adaptation program (ability assessment at collegium or competency assessment at education institution) for applicant

f.     After finished the assessment,  collegiums issue the recognition certificate of competency

g.    Collegium will report that certificate to INAMC

h.   INAMC will issue the temporary registration

General Information

1. Research, which involves human and/ environment and can influence human’s health (hands on to patient), must have temporay registration from INAMC

2. Research can be held as independent or in order to enhance applicant’s competency

3. Research must :

    a. have clearence of purpose, the object for research, and methodology that his/her uses

    b.  bring the benefit for health Indonesia research

    c.  Not using clinical trial method

    d.  comply with ethical clearance from education institution and related regulation in Indonesia

Document Required

1.  For independent research : min. Has doctorate degree qualification and has certificate as researcher

2.  For enhance applicant’s competency : min. has specialist degree and must be accompanied by specialist Indonesian doctor with researcher qualification

3.  Letter of work experiences at least for 5 years in accordance with the competency

4.  Legalized copy of diploma and academic transcript from the institution and verified by Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia

5.  Legalized copy of Registration Letter from the origin country

6.  Legalized copy of Certificate of Competency from professional organization and verified by government at origin country

7.  Letter of good standing from professional organization

8.  Required documents which must be completed by organizer health services (copy of registration letter from Indonesian doctor as companion, recommendation letter from Indonesian Institute of sciences, National institute of health research and development and ministry of health)

9.  Certificate of Indonesian language test

10. Letter of completed adaptation

Processing Time

Max. 30 work days after receive the completed required documents

Application Fee

IDR 750,000


1.  Applicant submits required documents of administrative and competency evaluation to INAMC

2.  INAMC will verify all the documents

3.  If approved, INAMC will send letter of pre-adaptation to related collegiums

4. Collegium will issue the acceptance letter for adaptation to INAMC

5. Collegium conducts the adaptation program (ability assessment) for applicant

6. After finished the assessment,  collegium issues the recognition certificate of competency

7. Collegium will report that certificate to INAMC

8. INAMC will issue the temporary registration

General Information

a. Humanitarian mission can't be allowed in order to enhance education level of foreign doctors/dentist

b. Applicant must have specialist degree

c. Applicant must be supervised by Indonesian specialist doctors/dentist

d. Applicant as on observer

e. Temporary registration only valid within 3 Months for 1 humanitarian missions and can be extended

Document Required


1.   Get a license permit from Ministry of Health through Badan PPSDM to get RPTKA and IMTA recommendation

2.   Organizer can be as a hospital which has min. C accreditaion, professional organization, education institution, or govemment institution


1.    Letter of work experience at least for 5 years in accordance with the competency

2.    Legalized copy of diploma and academic transcript from the institution and verifed by Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia

3.    Legalized copy of Registration Letter from the origin country

4.    Legalized copy of Certificate of Competency from professional organization and verified by government at origin country

5.    Letter of good standing from professional organization

6.    Certificate of Indonesian language test

Processing Time

Max. 30 work days after receive the completed required documents

Application Fee

IDR 750,000


1.     Applicant submits required documents of administrative and competency evaluation to INAMC

2.     INAMC will verify all the documents

3.     If approved, INAMC will send letter of pre-adaptation to related collegium

4.     Collegium will issue the acceptance letter for adaptation to INAMC

5.     Collegium conducts the adaptation program (competency assessment) at education institution for applicant

6.     After finished the adaptation,  applicant do the competency test at related collegium

7.     Collegium will report the result of the competency test to INAMC

8.     INAMC will issue the temporary registration